
Lazy lazy days

i keep thingking, how much dose we allowed to be lazy? some people say lazy isn't even allowed. some say what's the purpose of holiday if we aren't allowed to be lazy? is it bad to be driven? is it gruesome to be lazy? you choose how much dose to be lazy are allowed.


a wedding isn’t something we can belittle, really that one event is making such a big fuss. not only one person’s headache, but I think a half population who tasted marriage feel it too. such a pain in the ass, when you talking bout the reservation, the invitation, the catering, the make up. I don’t even know, people still compete to own the biggest, the grandest wedding event ever.
why bother with a gaudy event when the money you could use it to other purpose, not to mention when it ends on a divorce. pathetic isn’t it?


Writing is just another way to fulfill my left side brain's need, i love writing my own personal thing although no one reads it, its quite satisfying for me. I love reading too, i read everything that has letter on it, but mostly i read something that has purpose, like information, entertainment etc. I love games also. note: the game i love is a real entertaining game,not a real life game. Games have almost same pattern which is challenge players to fulfill every criteria attached on them.